Jillian and the Major Cheese Festivals Part 1

Over the next couples of weeks, information was gathered concerning the Hydrogen cheese bombs. At first there wasn’t much to report, only a few spotting of rats in certain areas around the globe. Then Jillian’s agency got a hit from one of their informants, a fat rat who went by the name Tubbs had heard from his boss that the attacks were going to happen around one of the major cheese festivals.
Having read over the reports that had been sent to her, Jillian instructed that all of the information they’d gathered to be shared with their allies. Within a days’ time, Max had gotten a hold of Jillian to confirm that their agents had received the same information and that they should meet later in the week to decide on how to best proceed. Jillian agreed. That was two days ago and the meeting was just wrapping up, Jillian feeling the urgency to make her thoughts clear, meowed, “I agree with you Cuddles, yes we should keep an eye on the 10 cheese festivals our combined agencies have come up with, but in my opinion the attack will happen in one of these three festivals, the Bra Cheese Festival, the Amish Cheese Festival or the Canadian Cheese Festival. “
“Yes, we know that you think it’s going to happen at one those locations,” Max groaned covering his face with his paw. “We have also agreed to cover every event, even the Seattle Cheese Festival which is an unlikely target given that it’s taking place this month. We have discussed all of this and even drew up a contingency plan in case we fail. Now can we please bring this meeting to a close? I need to go visit your tree in the front lawn.”
“TMI,” Jillian meowed covering her face with her paw.” Yes, we’re done here, though I prefer you’d not use my tree as your litter box.”
“Fine,” Max yipped as he pushed himself away from the table, “I’ll just use the side of your building instead.”
“What, No!” Jillian hissed, but she was too late for Max and Cuddles had already run out of the room. Looking at Spooky, Jillian meowed, “Have Patches scrub the side of the building, then install dog fire hydrants stalls. Let’s make sure this incident doesn’t happen again.”
“Agreed,” Spooky replied. “I’ll have Patches get right on it, right after her catnip break. So then what happens after all of this?”
“We wait,” Jillian meowed. “That’s all we can do for the moment.”