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Jillian and the major cheese festival Part 5

With a start Jillian’s eyes snapped open to find that dawn was slowly beginning to creep over the horizon. Quietly getting up, so as not to disturb Spooky, Jillian crawled from underneath the covers and made her to the docks. Checking her pink wrist watch, she saw that it was quarter to five, in a few minutes she’d have to get Spooky up; but for now, she could take these few precious moments for herself, to reflect on what she has done and what she’s about to do.

Walking to the end of the dock, Jillian sat down on the end, dangling her grey paws playfully above the rippling water. Letting her mind wander, Jillian recalled the first time she had met Spooky. It was during her first official business run as a pilot. That was a simpler time, or was it? Sure, she had less responsibilities, but there was also the undulating task of getting her business going and making a name for herself.

Then there was Meowolf, which was the space station that was manned by a joint team of cats and dogs. The startup to that was an experience that Jillian would never forget, this was the first time the rats came into play, though for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out why. Unless there was something that was in the programing that they needed. Hadn’t the rats purposely destroyed the original station, when they found out they couldn’t gain complete access? This is what Jillian had always assumed. But what if it wasn’t the case. What if they did find what they were looking for and didn’t care who lived or died. Or was it possible that their plan all along was to destroy the space station, knowing full well that a second one (with some minor modifications) would take its place?

These were questions that Jillian didn’t have the answer too, though she knew that it was high time she learned. There was still a piece to the puzzle that she needed and by the great Meower in heaven she was going to find it. Jumping up, Jillian ran quietly over to Spooky and roughly shook his shoulder.

“What, what’s going on”, he grumbled.

“Remember when Meowolf first went down,” Jillian began, fighting to regain her breath. “Do we still have some of that original programming?”

“Um yeah, back in one of the labs I believe,” Spooky replied, rubbing his eyes, “Why?”

“Come on, get dressed. I’ll explain everything on the way.” Jillian meowed over her shoulder as she snatched the keys on her way towards his car.

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