Dear Readers, Its November again, and this means NaNoWriMo(National Novel Writing Month) is once more upon us. For those of you who have...

Old Man's questions: Part Three
Clicking the mike, the narrator said, “So are you ready for your next question?” The blare from the loud speaker was to such an extent,...

Tinnese's Question Part 3
He made the people of the worlds a proposition- a strong argument really. Why should they follow ancient traditions that were routed in...

Come Join Us
Dear reader, a couple of things before we get started with this story. First don’t forget to join me and other fellow writers for Local...

Journal Entry 342: Conversation with a Future Character.
Amos, my dear boy, it has been a long time. I’m almost upon your story- or at least the role that you play. When I get to writing you-...