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Old Man's questions: Part Three

Clicking the mike, the narrator said, “So are you ready for your next question?”

The blare from the loud speaker was to such an extent, that the Old Man slammed his hands over his ears, and crunched his face together. Seeing his reaction, the Narrator quickly punched a button marked ‘Exclusive’. Instantly, a brownish type force field surrounded the Old Man. Clicking the mike again, the Narrator asked, “Is this any better?”

Removing his hands and nodding his head feebly, he replied, “Yes, thank you. That’s much better.”

“Well then, let’s get started. I believe you asked about the safety of your daughter; or should I call her as she is more appropriately known, ‘Lady Fair.’”

“You may call her whatever you like, but to me she’ll always be known as daughter.”

“Yes, that’s right. Your people were never known for picking out unique names that fit the person, but instead opted for social generalizing, so that no one person was different.”

“Perhaps that is how outsiders see it,” replied the Old Man, stiffly. “But anyway, that no longer matters. My people have changed a lot in my absence, some for the good; but mostly bad.”

“Like indoor plumbing!”

“Okay, listen to me, young man. “My people had indoor plumbing way before I was even born. Now I have a question for you. How do you go around insulting a race of people you don’t even understand?”

“Oh, but I do understand them,” the Narrator replied, barely above a whisper. “They are my people as well.”

“What, what was that you said,” the Old Man asked, not entirely sure of what he had heard.

“I said, the answer you seek about your daughter is quite simple. She is still alive; and is currently seeking to take back her world. You guys had left her in quite a little pickle. She is tough, and undoubtedly will pull through, as you very well know.”

“Thank you for that,” the Old Man replied. “Now, I know what I would like to ask for my second question. Who are you really, and what do you mean by you’re one of my people? Are you Corvian?”

“This is not the time nor the place. I promised Nosos that I’ll only answer one of your questions; and I intend to keep that promise. I’ll provide you with the answers you seek next week. Now, go and help your fellow characters finish building that white room.”

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