Come Join Us

Dear reader, a couple of things before we get started with this story. First don’t forget to join me and other fellow writers for Local Authors Fest. 11 am- 4pm this Saturday, at Spring City Public Library. Secondly, a kindle version of Water Lily Pond is in the works. Hopefully within the next week, it’ll be available for purchase from Amazon.
Now as to this week’s blog. I specifically chose this chapter from the current world that I’m working on, because it’s the one that appealed to me the most. I hope you feel the same. Given the length of this chapter, it’ll be broken up into two sections.
Feel free to leave your comments in the comment section below on the blog page. If you haven’t been able to purchase Water Lily Pond and would like to, you can click on one of the links posted on the home page of the Water Lily Pond website.
Thank you for reading and I hope to see you this Saturday.
Richard M Polk
Chapter 57
The sun was shining its first orange rays across the predawn sky, when Tinnese woke with a start. He had been dreaming the same nightmarish dream that had plagued his sleep ever since his reawakening on Universalism. The phrase “The play, plays on. It always plays on,” pounds in his skull like a jackhammer set on repeat. It demands to be let out. It demands blood for the injustice that has been done. It decrees that all who stand in its way will be removed. If everything goes according to plan, Tinnese thought, its demands will soon be met.
After taking care of the usual necessities that plagues the early riser, Tinnese pulled his shirt over his head, grabbed his licorice sword, and quietly exited his room. He did not want to wake Danny, who was currently recharging his battery cells.
Walking down the hall, Tinnese entered the garden and walked over to where Ronald and Sydney sat. Their height was such that they lorded over all who passed beneath them, and Tinnese couldn’t help but be in awe. Symphony was already there, stretching her legs in a way that Tinnese would never have thought possible.
Sensing his approach, she said, “You’re late.”
“No, I’m on time.”
“Your right.” Symphony conceded, wanting to get this ‘lesson’ over with as soon as possible. “I must’ve been early. Are you ready to begin?”
“First, what if any, kind of training have you had with the blade?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“So I can determine what I need to show you.”
“I had a few lessons when I was in the service of the White Wizard.”
“So you know the basics?”
“Yeah, I suppose.”
“Okay.” Symphony replied. “Let me see how you grip your sword.”