Camp NaNoWriMo is here.
Dear readers, As I mentioned last week, my goal for this week is to provide an outline for the first stage of Crow & Soul. Before I do...

Say good bye to Danny
The week had gone by slowly. When the time had come around again for the therapy session to commence, Amos was weak from lack of basic...

Nosos Questions Part Three
The Narrator watched, as the characters shuffled into the factory through the blue portal mirror. Soon these weekly meetings will come to...

Therapy: Symphony's Questions Part 1
Symphony shifted in her seat and said, “I have three questions that I can ask you, right?” “That’s right.” “Okay, let’s see…three...

Journal Entry 342: Conversation with a Future Character.
Amos, my dear boy, it has been a long time. I’m almost upon your story- or at least the role that you play. When I get to writing you-...