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Nosos Questions Part Three

The Narrator watched, as the characters shuffled into the factory through the blue portal mirror. Soon these weekly meetings will come to an end; and his debt to the real Narrator will be paid. He thought back to that day. When he had reached out to the Narrator to spare his life so that he, in turn, could rescue the one who he did not love. The one, however, who the Narrator had told him, in so many words, that he would be with. She did not know of this deal; and he hoped that she never would. Such things, he felt, would shatter her pride. As it stood, he knew her future. It was stained with blood, justly shed. The world she crashed in, she now sought to overthrow and become Empress of. The people of Corvus would be her footstool; and he would be there by her side. “Are we going to start any time soon?” Asked the Crow, his voice breaking into the Narrators thought.

“What- how did you get into my thoughts?” asked the Narrator.

“I told you before that you have no real power; that you are the just same as one of us. When it comes my turn, I’ll expose you for the fraud you are. So now, let’s finish this little charade. Ask Nosos his last question, and perhaps I’ll put you out of your misery before they tear you limb to limb.”

His hand shaking, the Narrator clicked the mike button with his left hand, while his right hand punched and held a big large button labeled, Warning, Direct contact with Narrator. Hit only in case of Emergency. Jamming the button repeatedly with his finger, the Narrator squawked into the mike, “Nosos, your third question, what is it?”

“Surely you know it.” Nosos replied. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. You sound like you are doing much better. What brought on the sudden change, Nosos?”

“I’m not doing better; nor am I doing worse. I’ve just decided that if I was to stay in this stupor for too long, that it would do irrevocable harm to others; to those who are counting on me. The Crow is right. It’s time to bring this charade to an end. Amos, proxy narrator, my question is this, Do I succeed in my quest? Will I make it back to my own time?”

There was a pause, and then the narrator replied, “So you guessed my name. Yes, I admit it. It is I, Amos. In regards to your question, yes you will succeed in stopping the Crow, but it will not be by your hand that he dies; for the android will save you all. As for ‘if you get back to your own time,’ that is a choice that you’ll have to make, when the opportunity presents itself.”

“When will that be?” Nosos asked eagerly.

“When you encounter the Wizard brothers for the last time. Now, I’m tired. I believe that we’re going to end this session early. See you all next week.”

“We’ll be seeing you, Amos,” the Crow sneered. “Next four weeks, I’ll be your therapist, and you’ll be my patient.”

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