Say good bye to Danny

The week had gone by slowly. When the time had come around again for the therapy session to commence, Amos was weak from lack of basic necessities. The Narrator who had arrived moments before looked upon him with disdain. “You little worm,” seethed the Narrator, “have made a mess of things to such an extent that I was forced to pull away from creating your story line.”
“Now who do we have here?” crowed the Crow, as he and the other characters entered the factory via the mirror. “The real narrator, I assume. It’s about time that you showed up.”
“Take your seats so we can get this over with,” sneered the Narrator. “I still have this idiot to deal with.”
“Who put you in charge?” snapped Tinnese, who as usual was having a bad week, and was looking forward to taking it out on Amos. “Danny, show our new guest who’s really in charge here.”
Danny attempted to make a move towards the narrator, only to find that he couldn’t move. His voice crackled; and a cold, audible voice sounded from his throat, “Self- Destruct system activated. Will commence in 10, 9, 8…”
“Tinnese, you can stop this at any moment. Humble yourself before your creator, and I’ll spare the life of your android.”
Tinnese looked coldly at Danny. “You had value when you were of use to me. I’m sorry but you have outlived that usefulness. Honestly, what do you think would happen when you were disabled by two useless wenches?”
Danny looked pleadingly at Tinnese as the voice continued unbroken, “7, 6, 5…”
“What did you say,” Symphony said slowly, rising from the chair she had been sitting in.
“Symphony sit down. Can’t you see Danny is about to give us the performance of a life time,” said the Crow. “That’s unless, of course, the Narrator has another purpose in mind.”
“How dare you tell me what to do, you wolf in sheep’s clothing,” Symphony snarled. “He must pay for his insult.”
“My dear,” the Crow replied. “I’ve never hidden who I really am.”
“4, 3, 2…” The cold voice continued oblivious to the commotion that was happening all around.
“Symphony sit down. I promise that I’ll let you thrash Tinnese once we’re done with Danny,” said the Narrator. “On second thought.”
“1,” the voice said.
“Stop,” the Narrator said. The countdown stopped.
“I knew you didn’t have the balls to go through with it,” Tinnese sneered.
The Narrator walked up to Danny. “You know what must happen now, right? You know what you must do.”
Danny nodded slowly. “Yes, I see the truth now. My destiny is clear.”
“Good,” replied the Narrator. “Symphony, I could use your help over here.”
“Yeah, what do you want?” she replied, getting out of her chair and sauntering over to them.
“The countdown is going to continue in a moment,” said the Narrator. “I would like for you to throw Danny through the mirror as this is happening.”
“Why should I,” Symphony demanded. “What’s in it for me?”
“Symphony,” Danny said weakly. “We were always enemies, but this did not mean that I didn’t respect you. It would be a great honor to have you throw me through the mirror. Will you not do this for a dying android?”
“Fine,” Symphony snapped. Grabbing hold of Danny she threw him with all her might towards the mirror.
“Count down resume,” the Narrator said.
“1. Goodbye,” the voice said, as Danny glowed pure, blinding white, then exploded. The entire factory shook with the explosion, raining down loose debris on the occupants of the steel chairs. None fell on the Narrator.
“Well that was fun, who’s next?” choked the Crow, as plaster dust forced its way through his nostrils.