Where love begins
I love to hate you But hate to love you Yes you, my brother, my sister My enemy, My lover You give me no cause And yet here we stand...

You are the Love of My Life
Given that this week is one year anniversary, Jillian’s Adventures have been put on hold and instead I present this simple poem to the...

Love is a Beast
Love is a rare beast Once caught it is should be set free If treated right, it will stay If wronged, it will flee Love is a wild beast It...

Love will find us in the End Part 2
Quickly making her way to the cargo hold, Jillian scanned the room for an explosive of some sort, nothing stood out. ‘Still something...

Fortunes Lonely Door
A few hours later, Brother sat hunched on a splintered, puke splattered bench in the Lucky Roger nursing a chipped glass filled with a...

Camp NaNoWriMo is here
Dear readers, below is the next installment of Crow and Soul. However, before we get to this, I’d like to announce that the month of July...

Forbidden love
About a ½ a week later. Father paces up and down the length of Daughters room. “Daughter of mine, Why do you do bring trouble upon my...

Notes Part Two
Page 19. Happily Ever After. This poem deals with Father and lover. Father talks of ancient curse. Kills daughter’s lover. Page 21. What...