Camp NaNoWriMo is here

Dear readers, below is the next installment of Crow and Soul. However, before we get to this, I’d like to announce that the month of July is another Camp NaNoWriMo month. To those who don’t know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. This takes place in November. However, April and July are two minor writing months and thus fall under the categories of Camp NaNoWriMo’s. So, to all my fellow writers out there who are participating in this writing month, I wish you the best of luck; and to those who are not participating in this event…shame, shame, shame.
Richard M Polk
Sister closed the letter and sighed. Brother always had a special way with words. He knew how to woe a girl. Grabbing a blank sheet of parchment and a transparent, feather quill, Sister quickly scribbled a few lines, threw the quill aside, and blew on the running black ink to dry it. This done, she applied a fresh coat of ruby red lipstick, and pressed the bottom of the letter to her lips. Smiling secretly to herself, Sister folded the letter in three, picked up the lit candle, and dribbled its crimson black wax, Brother’s favorite color, over the last fold. Slipping off her ring, she pressed it firmly in the hardening mold and pulled it away, leaving behind her personal seal. A test tube with bubbling liquid with a small Crow above it. Daughter stared for a moment at the seal, its meaning all too clear to her. She was the Chemist’s Daughter, promised at birth to service to Crow & Company, when she was of age. That time was nearly upon her; something that she’d have to bring up in the next letter. How was she going to let him down gently, to tell him that there was no way this relationship would work? That she’d have to accept the burden that was placed on her by society? That, even though this romance was fun, dangerous and exciting, it was time that they both grew up and put this childish act behind them. That they had to accept their fate as those before them had done?
Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Sister smiled sadly. Calling for Sister Minor, she instructed that this letter should be given to Father Minor right away. Eyeing her mistress’ distress out of the corner of her eye, Sister Minor bowed and quickly exited Sister’s bedroom chamber; locking the door behind her.