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Narrator chuckled, when will these idiots learn that he was in charge, perhaps another lesson was in order. Clicking a button marked ‘Electric Blue’, Narrator watched the screen as all the patients chairs were suddenly lit up with white circles. Moving the cursor over the circle that surrounded Ava, Narrator clicked the button again and watched in satisfaction as the figure on the screen shriveled and twisted in pain, but her hand that held the thermos remained steady. “Good, good for her,” Narrator mumbled to himself. “This one has nerves of steel, she will need it for the days ahead. But now that the fun is over, I must deal with the matter at hand.”

Clicking the mike, “Now that I have gotten your attention Ava, will you please do as I ask. Once you have done this, then I will consider answering your questions. But not before and if you ever try anything this foolish again, then I’ll make sure that your demise comes much sooner than is ordained. Do you understand?”

Hearing this, Ava slowly removed the top to the cocktail mixer and poured the water from the thermos inside. The others were in awe, for her hand remained steady throughout the whole time. Once she was done, Ava screwed the top back on and placed the mixer back on the small black side table.

With a swoosh, the table and mixer disappeared beneath the floor, there was a moment of silence, then Narrators voice boomed from the speakers overhead. “Thank you my dear, now what is it that you wish to ask of me?”

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