When characters are given a choice

Clearing his throat, Narrator said, “Okay guys this is how this is going to go. You guys will be allowed to return back to your own story line…however once a week I’ll summon you here to see how things are going. Also during that time, you will be put to work building a top secret device…but more of that as we move along….Now is there anything that you’d guys like to ask me?
Clicking a button on the left side of his keyboard, Narrator watched as several microphone stands popped up from the floor, one in front of each of the patients, and yet not one of them reached for the mike, but seemed to be speaking nearly all at the same time.
Frowning Narrator clicked the mike on his own end, “In order for me to hear you, you need to use the mike that is stationed in front of you.” Releasing the button. Narrator waited for a response, at first there was static and then Jocren’s voice blasted through the speakers
“Yeah, I have a question. What do you want with us?”
“What I want, is what I want. All that I ask for the time being is that you guys keep acting like yourselves and do everything that I ask of you. Nothing complicated. Now who’s next?”
“Will we be able to get our powers back?” Fatheriam asked. “I’ve been trying to do this spell that is vital to our mission.”
“That all depends,” Narrator replied. “Will you try to unsuccessfully attack me again?”
“As soon as I find out how to get to you, I’ll kill you.” Ava snarled.
“It’s that kind of attitude that will get you nowhere, “Narrator replied. “I’ll you what, if you want your power back, then you will have to do something for me. In the scene you’re about to enter, you’ll need to be doing a lot of swimming, presuming that you can swim. As a gesture of good faith, I want you to bring me a cup of that water for testing. If you do this for me, then I’ll give you back your powers. Do we have a deal?”
“We do,” Jocren replied.
“Great, then until next week, I hope you stay safe in your adventures. Don’t go dying on me or anything,”
“We will do our best,” Jocren replied.
Smiling, Narrator silenced the mike before replying more to himself than anyone else, “Oh I know you’ll do your best Jocren, but will it be good enough to face what I have planned for you?