Second chances

A little while later, Narrator woke to find himself back in the room, groaning he rolled out of bed and felt his head for the nasty bump that undoubtedly would be there…and yet there was nothing. Confused, Narrator stumbled into the bathroom to the right of the bed and splashed some cold water on his face. Grabbing the wash towel off the rack, he wiped his face and replaced the crumpled towel on the rack.
Walking out of the bathroom, feeling somewhat refreshed, Narrator sat down at the computer chair, cracked his knuckles and double tapped on the keys to see what the day events lay ahead of him. As his computer screen sprang to life, Narrator’s vision was filled his characters fate being prolonged in the force field. ‘By all rights I should destroy them,’ Narrator thought to himself, ‘However they have survived this long, perhaps there is more to them than I originally thought. I suppose, I can let them die of their own natural causes (to which will happen sooner than later) and when each one dies they’ll be replaced with another version of themselves, but with the memories of the previous clone installed in their primitive minds. This of course would take a little more planning and work, than Narrator had in mind, but if this insured victory in the end, then all the little extra work would be worth it.
Not taking his eyes of the characters for a second, Narrator tapped the recording key, a soft buzz reassured him that everything was already being recorded. Moving his hand over a button marked ‘Spare’, Narrator hit the button. Nothing happened. Frowning, he slammed his hand down on the button and grimaced as it slowly grinded downward, squealing in protest from miss-use. ‘I really need to get around to oiling those keys that rarely used.’ Narrator mumbled to himself.
As the button reached the bottom, the force field dropped away, dumping the characters on the floor. It hen pushed itself out a little further and clicked back on. Narrator watched carefully as the characters picked themselves up and began looking around again. Clicking the intercom button, Narrator said, “Now that you guys know that escape is impossible, please sit down. We have a lot to discuss.