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When the hired help will not behave

A few hours later, Narrator woke to the sound of the alarm going off. Rolling out of bed, he ran over to the monitor to view what was going on. The characters had as expected, tired of waiting for him to return and had attempted escape. By all rights they should’ve ceased to exist, like those before them and yet, they had defused all of his tests and had made half way through the force field before getting stuck. This has preserved their life, now the question was, what to do with them. True they were a motely bunch, with not much ‘talent’ among them and yet they had survived the odds. Something that the previous clones had failed to do. Hopefully their replacements will do much better. With his hand hovering over the red button marked ‘Terminate’, Narrator heard a long bang come from outside the room. “What is it now,” he grumbled, turning towards the door. “Those mutated rats are always getting into trouble, making it nearly impossible for me to get anything done. But still, I suppose that I should go and see what they’ve gotten themselves into.

Getting up, Narrator walked across the room, opened the steel grey door and looked both ways down the hall. Seeing nothing, but hearing plenty of commotion coming from further down the hall, Narrator decided to investigate. Turning the round corner, he saw a grey blur bouncing off the walls, between the two giant mutant rats. As they came crashing down, the gray blur seemed to pause in flight, causing Narrator to blink twice. “It couldn’t be, that fiend was destroyed.” Narrator cried turning to flee. As he headed down the hall, Narrator felt the gray blue smash hard into the back of his head. With the hall twirling around him, Narrator stumbled forward a few feet and then crashed to the floor and everything went dark.

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