Every major conquest first starts with a plan

Narrator hung up the mike on the intercom and smiled with pleasure…things were working better than he had hoped. Walking over to his computer chair, Narrator sat down, folded his hands across his chest, tilted back in his chair and stared up at the white washed ceiling. He knew what his ultimate goal was, but not essentially the exact steps needed. Sighing, Narrator sat up and clicked a few keys on the keyboard, bringing up a blank document on the computer screen. Tapping a few more keys, big bold words flashed across the screen. Leaning back, Narrator read what he had just typed,
Outline for Domination of the Feline world
Where I’m currently at: After along hard battle, I have defeated Jillian my enemy. I’m currently at the stage of rebuilding and getting back on schedule. To accomplish this goal, I have recruited certain characters of mine from a novel still in progress. They are hardly the ideal sort for building what I need, but with my limited time frame and dwindling resources, I’m forced to scrape the bottom of the barrel. As for their strength and abilities, I have limited their powers (for the time being), to discourage the idea of revolting. After all a weak character is a willing character.
My next step: next step to world domination is to escape this world, to do so, I will need a ship similar to the one that feline rode in, though primitive it was effective in beating my advanced technology. I feel with some vast improvements, I can make the ship capable of traveling through dimensions without the harmful side effects. This of course will require materials not readily available. This is in part where the characters come in, every time I have a meeting with them, I’ll study their behavior and determine if they have anything useful to add, if so then I’ll either have them perform it for me or I’ll use the information to create it myself. As I mentioned before, my first step is building the ship and thus that will be the first task to put before them. It will be interesting to see what they come up with.
End Goal: Domination of the Feline world. To do this I have several goals in mind, though I will not mention them as of yet since they have still to be determined. In the coming days, there of course will be more to add.
Having determined what his next step was, Narrator laid down on a cot in the corner of the room and closed his eyes.