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Jocren's First Contact

Jocren stirred in his bed, tossing from the left to the right, he tried to get back the dream of saving Ava from plummeting to her death…he had saved her and the reward was more than deserving… but the blaring lights overhead wouldn’t allow it. Groaning, Jocren sat up, rubbed his eyes, looked around him and rubbed his eyes again. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing, this was all wrong. Where was Ava, where was the plateau that they had been resting on, where was the night with the artificial stars and crisp cool air. It had been right for snuggling with the one you loved, but Jocren had no love except has darling sister Jill. After all, she was the only reason he undertook this mission, though after the events that had happened yesterday, the lines were becoming blurred.

Shaking his head, as if the side by side motion would shake the pounding images to the back of his mind, Jocren stood, looked around for his clothes and noticed that they had been folded neatly on the night stand next to him. Wondering how they had gotten there, but deciding to pursue the matter at a later time, he put them on and headed for the door. Pausing, Jocren looked around him again. Something was urging him forward, to open the door and step through it, and yet, this was not his desire. These thoughts were not his own, but they demanded to be obeyed. Jocren had no choice but to see what was on the other side.

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