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The figure shifted its weight from its right foot to its left, momentarily easing the pain of an old injury that had been inflicted by an even older enemy. He’ll be awake soon, they’ll all be awake soon and then the real work begins… “Or should I say resumes,” the figure murmured to itself. “Thanks to that feline, I was set months behind, with years of research possibly ruined. She should’ve been a good kitty and died at the hands of my pawn the Rat King. But no, she had to be resourceful and defeat him.’ The figure sighed as it hobbled over to a monitor set in the left wall. Tapping a few keys, it dipped its face in front of the monitor. “And then she heard my call and managed to open an unstable worm hole that should’ve collapsed the moment she entered it. But again, that ship of hers was much faster than I expected. It was only when she crashed upon the shores of my island, in the third dimension that I was able to successfully dispose of her.

Walking back to the center of the room, the figure watched as the patients began to stir restlessly in their sleep. A pencil line smile spread slowly across the figure’s face. “Soon my friends, the tests will begin and then I will know what makes you tick. You are mine, I have acquired you and I will do with you as I please.”

The figure turned, opened the door, switched off the light and exited the room. As the door swung closed and the lock clicked into place, a faint voice echoed throughout the island, “The past is the past, the future is now, the time of waiting is over, I, Narrator have taken my rightful place. Accept me, know me, and Fear Me. I, Narrator am ruler of all.

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