In the End....

Journal Entry 123
Well, Jillian’s blog has come to its startling conclusion. Next week will be the wrap up blog – so that the beginning will match with the ending. As it was, I did my best to match Jillian with the chosen one prophecy. Overall though, I believe that this is my best and most popular blog series to date. I believe that this was because it was geared more towards the family and cat people. To which was partially my intention…when I started out, I wanted to do something light and humorous….something that my mother has been after me for a while to write (mother knows best?).
Now as for the next blog series, as the reader has undoubtedly guessed, Narrator is going to be taking a major role- this blog will mirror I believe what I did for my first blog series and yet they’ll be different in a good many ways. For example, the characters may or may not know of the existence of Narrator, he doesn’t care about them…he experiments on them to see what their reactions will be…this is after all how he makes his living. He is cold, calculative, and evil, caring only for what benefits him and yet his actions are not without purpose. He doesn’t believe in waste and finds a way to use everything, whether it was its intended purpose or not.
This is how I believe Narrator will be seen, of course more will be decided when the blog series kicks off. As it stands, I have plans that will take place as the blog slowly moves along…so if there are odd parts that don’t quite seem to match up with that weekly blog…please bear with me… as for the running time for this up and coming blog series that is still to be determined. As with all the other ones, I’ll most likely let it run its course, for that is how the best stories are written.
But as for now, this is all I have planned. I have entertained the thought of putting these written blog series in a book and offering it for free on Amazon. But that is in the future and the future is always uncertain. That is the way life goes, that is often the way writing goes…it keeps one guessing till the very end to which always leads to a new beginning.
All I have left to say now, is thank you my dear readers for bearing with me this last year and half to two years. I truly hope that you stick around for this next upcoming series and I promise that I will do my best to make it worth your time. Finally, I’d like to thank my loving beautiful wife Barb Polk who has put up with my constant need to write. I love you honey and I always will. Well this is all I have to say, except please enjoy these next two blogs
Richard M Polk
Quickly jamming the stick forward, Jillian pointed the nose of her craft towards the hangar bay doors as numerous fighters poured out. “This is going to be close, “Jillian meowed to herself as she angled the craft underneath the fighters and through the retracting doors. With a sigh of relief, Jillian looked around for her intended target. She spotted the glowing blue energy core at the center of the ship. Flying up, Jillian released a barrage of missiles and laser fire at the bottom center of the energy core. As the missiles hit their target, the metallic glass that protected the energy core began to crack, but ultimately held.
Tilting her ship over, so that its underbelly was facing the glass, Jillian hit a red button marked thermal nuclear warhead. As the missile launched, Jillian didn’t wait around to see the end result, but booked it out of there as fast as she could, pushing the ship to the max speed it allowed. As it exited the rat’s space ship, the explosion rocketed her craft, but instead of knocking out her ships censors, it instead added to the ships speed. Being yanked forward in her seat belt, Jillian punched in Spooky’s number, but only received his answering machine. Not sure as to what to say, Jillian let it play until she heard a click on the other end. Sighing Jillian dialed again, only to receive the answering machine again. Knowing that this might be the last words she ever said to her love, Jillian fought for the right words to say, “Spooky my love, things didn’t quite go as I had hoped, know though that the Rat King’s ship has been destroyed and undoubtedly you have successfully in defeating the enemies on the ground. All that is left is to take out the remaining satellites, but if you have indeed taken care of all the Rats men, then you may not have to destroy those last satellites. But all of this, I leave in your capable paws. Now, before I run out of space on your answering machine, know that I plan on crashing down where we rescued you, this is where I believe that the least amount of damage will be caused. With all luck, you’ll find me alive, but if not then know this, I love you Spooky with all my heart and nothing will change this. Please keep my company running, for it is now your company and don’t mourn my too long, but get yourself out there and meet someone new…someone who deserves you.” Closing her eyes, Jillian racked her brain for anything more to say, but no words came to mind.
Sighing, Jillian hit the end transmission button and then pointed the nose of her craft towards the center of the Bermuda Triangle. “Well here goes nothing,” Jillian meowed as she pushed her throttle to the breaking point, “You wanted me Narrator, here I come…