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Delete Part 1

Having finished introductions, Mr. Smith sat down, folded his left leg upon the other, and fished out a battered pack of cigarettes from his breast pocket. Thumping the packet against his knee, he withdrew the last fag, popped it in the side of his mouth and chucked the empty cigarette pack on the factory floor. The Narrator clicked the mike, “Mr. Smith, there’s no smoking in the factory.”

“Yeah, who’s going to stop me- you?” sneered Mr. Smith, striking a match, which was previously behind his ear, against the side of his black-steel toed boots. “Haven’t you learned anything yet? You have no control over me. There is only one who has control over me and…”

“That’s me,” said the Crow. “Now put that damned cigarette out and listen up.”

Grudgingly, Mr. Smith ground the cigarette out on top of Tinnese’s head. Yelping, Tinnese jumped out of his chair, knocking it over. Grabbing him by his collar, Danny hauled Mr. Smith out of his chair, held him above his head and threw him across the room. The, Crow having had enough of this foolishness, screamed at them to, “Sit!” The volume of his voice was to such an extent that, as it vibrated of the factory walls, it shattered several panes of glass. They all sat obediently.

As the narrator watched all this going on, he knew that if things kept up the way they were going, he’d soon lose all control; and that would not be good. The time to act had come. A lesson as to who was in charge had come. For dramatic effect though, he had to set and bait the trap. Any words he would say, would do. That arrogant bastard couldn’t help himself. Chuckling, the Narrator clicked the mike button and said, “Now Crow, you know you don’t give the orders.”

The Crow smiled coldly and replied, “Quite right; you are in charge.” Then after a moment’s pause, he added, “For now, please proceed with the questions.”

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