Tinnese's Questions Part Four

“That Bastard.” The Crow screeched. “He’ll fall under my thumb, yet, even if that’s the last thing I do.”
“Crow, language,” snapped the Narrator. “After all, this interview is custom fit for the young and old alike.”
“Just like my new citizen’s plan. One mark fits all, accessible on the forehead or right hand.”
“Crow, there is no advertising allowed in this therapy session. Save it for after the session.”
The Crow, who had started handing out business cards and brochures, stopped, smiled thinly and resumed his seat. “Sorry, I’m always recruiting. The more I get, the less HE has.”
“Meaning?” Tinnese asked.
“Wow, you’re definitely a few cracker jacks short of a Cracker Jack box[RP1] ,” the Crow said.
“Hey…What?” Tinnese replied.
“Never mind, Tinnese. Let me break it down for your ity bitty brain. You see, I’m in the business of souls; and as such, I gather them wherever I can. The harder they are to get, the sweeter the taste. My ultimate goal is to gather enough to put the One Who Saves out of business.”
“Not if I have anything to say about it.”
“Is that right? What are you going to do about it, Junior?”
“I’m going to kill you! And, for your information, you’ll never get my soul. I’ll sell it to the One Who Saves.”
“You keep telling yourself that, boy. I know for a certainty that your fate is sealed.”
“What…how could you possibly know that?”
The Narrator had let this conversation go on longer than recommended (by the Narrator handbook of course). Clicking the button, he said, “Gentleman, let’s get back to business. Now Tinnese, you have one question left. Do you know what you want to ask?”
“Yes, I do. I want to know, he knows such things and why can’t I know such things?”
“Fool!” Mumbled the Crow.
“Why am I a fool?” Tinnese demanded, obviously overhearing what Crow had mumbled.
“Because you’re wasting your answer on an unimportant question,” Symphony said, who was currently fading in and out.
“Who asked you, woman? It’s my question, and I get to ask whatever question I like; and why are you fading in and out like that?”
“Because Symphony’s life is hanging in the balance. Right now, she’s ridding a space station in the atmosphere. There’s a chance that she’ll be leaving us soon; this happens when their part in the story line comes to an end. Now, Symphony, Tinnese is right. It’s his question and he has the right to have it answered. Now, in answer to your question….”
“I want the Crow to answer it.” Interrupted Tinnese.
“Okay, have it your way. Crow, if you don’t mind?”
“Not at all, my dear Narrator. You see Tinnese, you are me and I am you. We are one in the same; just in different parts of the story line.”