Symphony's Questions: Part Two

When Symphony came around, she found herself seated, once again, in the metal folding chair. Nosos and the Old Man were attending her. The Old Man was dabbing her grit-stained face with his red and white, patched handkerchief. Nosos was on the other side, making sure she didn’t fall out of the chair. With a thrust, she pushed them both away. “I’m fine, back off!” she bellowed.
The Narrator smiled, “That’s my girl, strong and stubborn.” Thumbing the microphone button, he said, “Symphony, are you ready to ask your second question?
“Yes,” Symphony replied. “What does my future hold? Will I get my revenge? Do I live? Do I die? Will I conquer the world and set myself up as supreme ruler?” There was a pause, and Symphony quickly added, Oh, and what just happened to me? Why was I smoking?”
“That’s two questions. Are you sure…”
Tinnese interrupted, “Yeah you dumb broad, don’t you know how to count?”
“Yes, I’m sure.” Symphony said curtly, ignoring Tinnese’s jab.
“Okay.” Replied the Narrator. “In response to your first question, you must first understand something.”
“Yeah, what is that?” Symphony demanded.
“Crow, woman. Give the man a chance to speak.” Tinnese said.
The Crow who had been silent since his wise counsel to Symphony, said, “I really wish you guys would stop using my name as a curse word. I find it highly offensive.”
“Tough.” The Old Man snapped. “You need to get over yourself. Who cares if one uses another’s name offensively. It’s not like it contains any powers that’ll instantly cause someone to burst into flames.”
The Crow turned to him and replied, “How do you know it doesn’t?”
“Enough!” Yelled the Narrator. Bringing his temper down a few notches, he continued. “As I was saying, you need to realize one thing, and that is, I don’t necessary know what’s going to happen in the future- so to speak.”
“What? I thought you were the almighty narrator.” Replied Symphony.
“That doesn’t mean that I know every step of the story line. Just like you guys, I’m figuring things as I go along.”
“Well that’s lame. Symphony replied. “You’re not much of a story teller then, are you?”
“Symphony,” the narrator began. “I never said that I could tell you the future, for that is always in motion, always changing in ways that no one knows for certain, except, of course, The One Who Saves.”
Suddenly the Crow got very interested in the conversation, “How do you know the One Who Saves? Do you know where to find him?”
End of fifth blog.