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Now what do you think of that dear readers. Jack drove to murder by Jill inability to work faster. Was he heroic in the end by making sure that their experiment was a success, or will he be haunted by what he had just done? All of this and more will be explored in the next tale that will unfold. But first let’s take a rest, stretch your tired limbs, make sure that they are all there, use the restroom for sleeping and the bathroom for bathing. The outhouses are located behind the building, that is where you will find pleasure in relieving those unnecessary burdens. But please leave no trace evidence, we can’t afford to have any more unnecessary heat, especially with it being so warm out lately.

But I digress, let us take some personal time and meet back here in twenty minutes and then we shall resume where we left off.


Now that we have all gotten our necessaries out of the way, let us resume. For a bit of a recap, let us briefly discuss the outcome of last week’s story. As you will recall, Jack decided to dispose of Jill, because he felt that she had wasted his precious time and that the only way she could make up for her mistake was by allowing herself to become one with the experiment. Jill tried to convince Jack that he was out of his mind, but he wouldn’t allow himself to be persuaded. What Jack didn’t expect however, was to preserve Jill’s life by having the experiment succeed, thus sending Jill to the digital world. But will this reprieve resolve his guilt, what must he still pay to redeem his humanity? Is Jill even still alive and if so where in the digital world is she. All of this and more will be revealed as the story progresses.

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