Confrontation Part Three

As he approached her location, Jack could see her shadow cast on the far wall. It was bent over her workstation. Jack was almost upon her now, he could see her brown hair tied loosely behind her head, the white lab coat hung loosely around her well-formed body. “I was wondering when you would get the nerve to come up here and confront me.” Jill said, her back still to him.
“What, how did you know I was coming up here to confront you…” Jack stamper.
“Oh please, you made enough racket to wake the dead. Besides, do you honestly think that I would fall for that coffee cup in the men’s bathroom garbage?”
“Have you been watching me in the men’s….”
“No, I haven’t been watching while you shake your little stick.”
“Well then how do you that this cup doesn’t have any coffee in it?”
Jill sighed, “You really don’t remember do you?”
“Remember what?”
“We have this same conversation every week. You blame me for taking too slow on my end of the research and how I must admit my guilt.”
“Well it is your fault for us being in this mess. Your work should have been done months ago.”
“Yes, I know. But please remember this kind of thing takes time. I have to check and double check my work.”
“You have had enough time,” Jack replied, taking a step forward. “Tonight, is the final run.”
“What are you talking about,” Jill replied, taking a step backwards.
“Tonight, is the night that you prove your worth, are you ready to stand behind your work.” Jack asked, taking a long step forward. Forcing Jill to back up on the platform that was right above the needle like gun.
Jill looked around her and realized that she had nowhere to go. “Don’t do anything you’ll regret Jack”, she cried. “You’re not right in the head. You need help.”
“Not from you,” Jack cried punching the required sequence of keys that he had come to know all to well, during his weekly sessions will Jill. “I no longer require your services. However, you can contribute one last time to this project. If you live, then you will be transported to the digital world and if you die, well then we’ll know that your life’s work was a failure and that you are not nearly as clever as you think you are. Now tell me Jill, are you ready to stand behind your work?”
Jill looked up at Jack, tears streaming down her face, “Yes I’m ready.”