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A simple tale to tell

Dear Readers, there at times when the Narrator, the storyteller, conoscere of the of the imaginary world, needs a break from the tale he relates. This is one of those times, so if you will turn your attention away from the stories of late and instead give yourselves over to the one that I now relate,

“If you haven’t noticed, Mr. Hair said to Mr. Hare it my day off. So, hop along and let me rest in peace.”

For Mr. Hair always rested on his days off since it was customary for the Hair family to do so…Mr. Hare however, enjoyed hoping on his days off…in fact he couldn’t seem to get enough of it, since he was stuck behind a desk all day, selling faking carrots to naïve callers and every once in a while, when his subordinates were busy, he’d take his business door to door, relishing the hops that had become nonexistent – save on his days off. To which did not fall on Mr. Hair’s days off. Therefore Mr. Hare had decided to make a ‘social visit’ to the Hair’s home on that sunny Thursday afternoon.

There was a slight warm breeze that ruffled Mr. Hair’s hair, as lounged on his sun chair. He had just settled in with a nice book, titled Murder on the Nile, by Agatha Christie. One of his favorites, that he had read time and time again. There was a rum &coke on his right and a bowl of chocolate on his left. Mr. Hair had just turned the first page, when he heard his doorbell ring. So, with a slight impatient sigh, he arose from his bed of comfort to answer the door. Mr. Hair was tempted to ignore the call of the outside world, but thought twice about it, when he realized that Mrs. Hair would be pissed if he had left, one of her many mini hair dryers, that was due to arrive sometime in the afternoon, lying on the front porch. So reluctantly he arose and slowly ambled his way to the door. Without bothering to look through the peephole, to which would’ve been the prudent thing to do. Mr. Hair opened the door instead, expecting to find a box from ‘Thin and Balding? Boy do we have a solution for you.’ Instead he was greeted to a hooping frenzy who blurted out, “Would you care to buy some plastic carrots? I guarantee that they’re 100% natural from the garden, ready to be steamed and placed on your dinner plate. For one carrot it’s $15.99 for the family pack, to which I promise you, my dear sir, is quite a steal is only $40.99, not including shipping and handling.”

“If you haven’t noticed Mr. Hair said to the bouncing Mr. Hare, “This is my day off, so hop along and let me rest in peace.”

“I will not leave,” Mr. Hare replied, putting his foot in the door. “Until you buy one carrot from me. “

Mr. Hair thought about and realized that he hadn’t pulled anything out for dinner and a nice stew would hit the spot. So, he said to Mr. Hare, “You’re quite right. I would like to buy a carrot. In fact, I will buy all the ones that you have on you, please come inside while I go get my check book.”

Without a second thought, Mr. Hare was in the door, hardly questioning his good turn in fortune, for some people he thought were just that stupid. He didn’t bat an eye, when the front door closed, and the dead bolt lock slid into place. because as Mr. Hair explained as he was clicking the lock into place, “It’s always prudent to keep the door locked when you have important business to discuss and wish not to be disturbed.”

Mr. Hare hopped rather joyfully, when Mr. Hair suggested that they go into the kitchen because that is where the checkbook was.

But when he hopped into the kitchen and heard the door slam and the lock slide into place, did he realize to late that he had been tricked. The big boiling cauldron of water that resided in the middle of the kitchen floor, only confirmed his suspicions.

Mr. Hair had walked over to the counter, with the bundle of plastic carrots under his arm. Placing them on the surface, he calmly began slicing them.

“If you don’t mind.” Mr. Hair began. “I really must go. It’s getting late you know. I’ll leave you my address and you can mail me the check.”

“Just give me a moment and I’ll get you what you need,” Mr. Hair replied with a light earie chuckle.

‘On second thought,” Mr. Hare replied, “Just keep the carrots. Consider it a promotional gift and have a nice day.”

Mr. Hair turned around, as Mr. Hare struggled with the lock. “If you really must go, then go. But may I offer some advice, “When someone says that they don’t want to be bothered on their day off. Then leave them alone, because you never know how it will end.”

The Hair family was never bothered by Mr. Hare ever again, however when Mrs. Hair saw the fake carrots planted in the flower bed next to the Black Pearls and the Chrysanthemums, she asked “Honey, where did these come from.”

“Oh, they’re just a gift from Mr. Hare. He was running a promotional at work and thought you would like some.”

“Oh, that’s nice of him,” Mrs. Hair replied. “Perhaps we should have him over for dinner.”

“You can try,” Mr. Hair replied. “Though I rather think that he will most likely decline your genourous offer.

The End.

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