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The Confrontation Part Two

Racing out of the cafeteria, Jack was halfway back to the lab when he realized that he had forgotten to grab the coffee. None of that mattered now, what mattered was that Jill was finally going to admit the truth – that her brilliant idea was a failure and that he had the superior mind. Knowing full well that Jill would make him go back to get the cafeteria for the coffee, Jack stopped in the men’s room and dug around in the trash for the empty Styrofoam cup, he had deposited there a few hours before. Finding it, he brushed it off, and placed it firmly in his left hand. Opening the bathroom door with his right, Jack quickly made his way back to lab, where he waved his left hand in front of the camera, indicating to Jill that he had returned with the coffee and that she was to let him in.

“You got here quicker than I thought,” Jill said as she pushed the buzzer for Jack to enter. “I haven’t quite finished making the repairs yet. Why don’t you prep the machine while you’re waiting?”

Without bothering to reply, Jack headed over to his workstation and tapped the required keys to fire up his machine for the next run. As the gears and pumps of the machine hummed to life, a fire started to hum in Jack’s mind. ‘We need to have absolute proof that this machine works,’ he thought to himself. ‘What we need is a volunteer to take the place of the watermelon…whether they want to or not. I think Jill should be the one to volunteer. She is afterall the reason why we are in this predicament.’ The more that Jack pondered this idea, the more logical it seemed. Picking up the coffee cup, from where he had placed it on his workstation, Jack slowly made his way to where he knew that Jill would be supposedly hard at work. It was high time for them to take the next step in their business relationship.

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