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Final run Part one

Ha. A janitor with top level clearance who cleans up after messy scientists, who knows what kind of experiments go on behind closed doors. Tune in this week as these doors are opened…

Jack slammed through the lab doors, completely oblivious to the smacking sound they made as they connected with the whitewashed walls.

“So, we’ve had a breakthrough,” he yelled, partially out of breath?

“No, I said that I believe that I have gotten the machine to work properly and that I’m ready for a prep run, so suit up and let’s get to work.” Jill replied.

With a mock salute, Jack scrambled into his white lab coat and walked towards the large black machine that stood in the center of the room. Reaching it, he tapped a few keys and brought the machine online. “I’m ready to receive the programing. Let’s hope this time it will work.”

“I put on the finishing touches last night,” Jill replied through his earpiece. “I’m fairly confident it’ll work. Sending it to you now.”

Within a few minutes, Jack saw a file appear on his screen. Clicking on it, he granted permission for the for the computer to run the program. Within minutes the program had installed itself and flashed a message on the screen that it was ready to proceed.

“I’m ready when you are,” Jack said, his finger hovering over the enter button.

“Give me a moment,” Jill replied. “I need to put the watermelon in its place.”

Looking up from his computer screen, Jack watched as Jill strapped the medium sized watermelon in between the two poles. ‘Now in theory,’ Jack mused to himself. ‘Once this program runs, those poles are supposed to light up – encasing the fruit in a force field of sorts. At that moment, the laser was supposed to fire and change the molecules of the watermelon to digital and then flow through the computer and into the digital world. After this was achieved, and as of yet, it hasn’t been. The second phase of the experiment would begin and that involved building another machine and bringing the watermelon out of the digital world and into the material world. That at least was the idea- the exact one that they had proposed to the General and his staff four years ago when they sought funding for this project.

That was four years ago and so far, all that they had been able to achieve was to splatter watermelon chunks all over the room (much to Tucker’s annoyance). But now the funding was running out, Jack knew that if they didn’t come up with results soon, they could be shut down in a couple of weeks- even days depending on the General’s mood at that time. This is why this test today was so important. Today was the day, Jack just knew it.

“Hello there Jack, is everything okay?” Jill’s voice spat in his ear.

Shaking his head, to clear his thoughts, Jack mumbled, “Excuse me, what?”

” I asked if you were ready?” Jill replied. “I really need your head to be clear for this, you know how important today is.”

“Yes, yes. I know,” Jack replied, mot liking to be reminded, who was technically in charge.” I’m ready. Let’s get this baby fired up…

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