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Journal Entry 287


The end of this month is fast approaching and November will be upon us in a blink of an eye. These next few weeks are going to be hectic, with some key events coming into play, like time savings on November 2nd, Barb and I official moving date on the November 11th and the release of Healing Disease Part Two in eBook on October 31st, (this Thursday).

Another thing going in November is NaNoWRiMo. For those who don’t know what this is, NaNoWriMo is a writing event that takes place the entire month of November. The general goal is to write a novel in a months’ time (50,000 words). The general consensus is that you write without editing (too much) and that you count every word – even those that you write in other documents (like a blog entry or journal entry for example).

The genre a writer writes in during the month of November is of their own choosing, though they’re genre and location helps determine who their writing buddies will be, though they can be writing buddies with whomever they want.

As for my genre, it always tends to fall somewhere between the lines of scfi- fantasy, with a little dash of horror, a sprinkle of romance and several large spoonsfuls of Humor. This year I’m stepping away from my usual strain of writing and instead working on a new project – an idea that came to me while walking my dogs at night about a month ago. I happened to look at a stop sign at the end of dimly lit street and though I knew in my mind that the sign was a harmless piece of metal- still my eyes thought it saw an ominous figure of some kind. I knew in my heart that this thing was not real, my eyes told me something different.

That was when it hit me, what if I wrote about this irrational fear, and so when I had gotten home I sat down in front of my computer and quickly dashed out an outline for a potential story and that is how I got my idea for my project for NaNoWriMo.

Now as to how the story unfolds and if it will go anywhere that has yet to be determined, though I can tell you that I already have the name of one character, that teleportation will come into play and that it will involve two parallel dimensions . But this is all that I can reveal for the moment and I beg the readers to have patience as I dive further into this story. More will reveal itself in time. Just keep one thing in mind, ‘Moxie just wants to play.’

Oh one final thing, if you still haven't had a chance to preorder Healing Diseae Part Two, click on the link below to do so now.


Richard M Polk

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