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So here's the plan....

Wow, I just had one of my sneezing fits and as always it was epic. But that is not the reason why I’m writing right now. My goal with this short blog, Is to map out my thoughts and plans for the next couple of weeks’ worth of writing, Now as it stands right now, I have some work on my plate but finding the time and peace of mind to complete it will be the challenge- but all I can do is keep plugging away at it.

My first step and only step so far is to work on building and correcting the website. This involves updating the pages so that they display the correct information. I’m also going to try and make it more user friendly. All of this is preparing for the release of Healing Disease Part Two in digital format Oct 31st.

After all of this is achieved, I will be preparing (while packing and moving) to participate in NaNoWrimo (a writing even that takes place in November). I have a specific idea in mind for a story that I want to work on and if time permits (which is unlikely), I might even start it early. But more on this later.

In these next couple of weeks, I’m also going to try and get back in the habit of doing a weekly blog, though they might start out relatively simple at first and then pick up where I left off with Narrator and Jillian, though I believe that this will really take effect when I continue working on the second novel of Crow, but for now this is on hold while I get things situated with the projects I’m currently working on.

Well that’s all I have for the moment, I’m sorry that it has taken me this long to get back into the swing of things, but now that editing and publishing are nearing their conclusions, things will hopefully get back to normal.


Richard Polk

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