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When you need to collect the water Part 4

Digging deep within himself, Jocren found whatever bit of strength he had left and put it to good use. A few minutes later, he felt the belt begin to slow, as the treadmill swung in a semi-circle, so that Jocren was now facing the rear of the room. He watched with amazement as the walls of the room fell off revealing his fellow companions on similar treadmills beside him. They were each running at different speeds, each according to their abilities. Fatheriam was moving the slowest, while Sassy was stuck in a type of wind tunnel that forced her to keep pushing forward. In front of them was three large clear cylinders that held bubbling liquid. These containers were about half full, with a small trickle of liquid periodically pouring in from rubber tubes attached to the top.

“What is that liquid?” John asked, his steady and controlled. “It certainly not the water Ava brought into here for you?”

His question was met with silence.

After a few minutes, Fatheriam replied, “I may be mistaken, but I believe that that liquid pouring into the containers is our sweat.”

“Very good Fatheriam,” Narrator replied. “You are correct. In an effort to get the remaining water I needed, I took Ava’s suggestion and went to the closest source. I’m sorry for whatever discomfort this may have caused you, but I was left with little choice.”

“Oh stop it,” Lucky Star spat. “You’re not sorry for doing this. We are just play things to you. You’d care less if we live or die.”

Narrator chuckled. “My dear child, nothing could be more from the truth. For the time being, I need all of you very much alive.”

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