When Characters are given a choice part 2

That next Wednesday, Jocren and the rest of the crew stumbled out of their rooms and into the black metal folding chairs. They all looked exhausted, though Ava seemed to have taken the brunt of whatever disaster had befallen them. Narrator laughed as he watched her slump down in the chair like a wet ragged doll. After all, he chuckled to himself, “Is that not what they truly are? Just empty shells possessed with an intelligence I created?”
Panning his eyes over them once again, as he waited for them to become settled before beginning the morning activities, Narrator’s gaze locked onto a battered red thermos gripped tightly in Ava’s hands. He smiled thinly, it looked like they had completed their first task, though he had expected a glass of some sort, not a battered up thermos. This was proving to much more enjoyable than he had originally thought.
Clicking the mike button, Narrator chose his next words carefully, so as there would be no mistakes as to what he was going to say, “Did you bring the glass of water as I requested?” Ava held up the thermos in response.
“Hmm, that’s not quite what I requested,” Narrator replied. “Though if that is the best that you can do, then I guess I’ll have to accept it.” Pushing a button on his keyboard, he watched as a solid gold cocktail mixer shot up from the floor and stopped slightly short of hitting Ava in the left arm. “If you’d be so kind, please pour the contents of the thermos into the mixer by your left hand.”
“I will shortly, Ava replied whipping her head up, while leaning forward into the mike. “But first we have some questions that need to be answered.”
“And if I refuse to give you the answer you ask?”
“Then I’ll dump your precious water all over the floor and you won’t get any of it.”