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When Magic is forbidden

As he exited his room, Jocren noticed that what he now stood in was a large circular room. There were numerous chairs scattered about and as Jocren walked further into the room, he noticed what appeared to be Fatheriam and Lucky Star in one of the sets of chairs working on several small linked chains. With a shake of his hands, Fatheriam cursed, “Why isn’t this spell working, my muscles can’t be cramping up already.”

“I don’t know,” Lucky sighed, “Probably for the same reason that I had to use bits of wire and string to hold these chains together. “These creatures were alive when we left the room.”

“What’s going on?” Jocren asked, walking up behind them.

“Perhaps it’s not too late to fulfill the ritual.” Fatheriam whispered to Lucky Star,”

“We don’t know until we try,” Lucky Star replied. “The question is, will they hold together long enough to get them on Jocren.

“Um you guys know that I can hear you,” Jocren replied taking a step back.

“We can recite the multiplying ritual, while putting the chains on him,” Lucky Star suggested.

“A bit unorthodoxed, though it’s worth a shot.” Fatheriam replied. “We may have a better chance if we do it together.”

“What are you guys doing? Jocren asked, taking several steps back, his wings beginning to unfurl.

As Jocren flapped his wings in an attempt to take off, he was struck by a bolt of lightning from the ceiling. Stunned, Jocren scrambled to his feet, only to trip again as he felt two people behind him. It was John and Ava. “Help me,” he pleaded. “I believe they’ve blown their top.”

“Calm down” Ava replied. “You know that this is needs to happen, for us to progress further in our goal of freeing Crow. Of you saving your sister,”

Jocren hung his head, “I know, they just kind of took me by surprise.., and then the lighting from the ceiling…”

“Yes, that last bit was unexpected.” John replied. “Let them finish their ritual and then we’ll figure out what is going on here.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be unconscious or something, you did get a nesting knock on the head.”

“You know you’re right, I do feel a bit light head.” John replied, before collapsing into Ava’s arms.

“Get off of me,” Ava growled, dumping John on the floor. “Now if you knuckle heads are ready, let’s get this done with, so we can figure a way out here.”

Fatheriam and Lucky Star turned and walked up to Jocren. Instructing him to hold his hands out, they wrapped the linked chain around his arms and then recited,

From the mothers that birthed me

And the fathers that raised me

To the teachers that fell dead at my feet

I demand of you, oh pitiful creatures of the earth

Multiply, multiply, multiply

Grow strong on your holder’s blood, as he slumbers

Become one with his mind, body, and soul

And multiply, multiply, multiply

When the dawn breaks and your holder awakes,

Grant him his one wish, his heart’s desire

And multiply, multiply, multiply

“Uh, was something supposed to happen?” Jocren asked a few minutes later.

“Perhaps we didn’t say it loud enough,” Lucky Star suggested.

“Maybe,” Fatheriam mused, “Though it might be prudent if we sacrifice one these other ones to Crow, that may ensure the potency of the spell.”

“No one is going to get sacrificed today.” Ava replied drawing her sword.

“I second that,” Jocren replied, jumping back and drawing his two pistols.

“Enough of this foolishness,” An unfamiliar voice boomed from overhead. “Take a seat and wait calmly for your last member to arrive.”

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