Pride comes before a fall part 7

Quickly looking at the results of the scan, Jillian couldn’t believe her eyes. Could it really be that simple? All she’d have to do is fly her ship through their hangar bay doors and fire on their energy core which was located at the center of their ship, right above the hangar bay. Taking another quick look at the scan, Jillian confirmed that she couldn’t launch a missile, from outside of the hangar bay doors, given that the rats shield would only deflect it. No, what she needed was a direct punch and that required gaining access to their hangar bay.
Taking her ship off of auto pilot, Jillian grabbed the control stick and yanked it hard to the right, causing the experimental craft to bank right, tilting the stick forward, Jillian flew low under the large ship, firing her lasers against its hull. As expected, the bounced off the shield, but not before causing the larger ship too shutter. Flying over the top of the ship, Jillian nursed her craft as close as she dared, dipping the laser cannons just under the other ships shield. Firing the lasers, Jillian quickly jerked her ship up, to avoiding colliding with their artillery cannon. Even though her shots went wild, Jillian purred when an orange explosion appeared underneath the shield. Swing her ship back round, Jillian repeated the process, this time though stopping at the end of her run, too see if they would open the hangar bay doors. At first there was nothing and Jillian prepared herself to do another run, determined to take down this ship no matter what, when the energy shields crackled off and the hanger bay doors began to creak open.