Pride comes before a fall Part 6

About ten minutes later, Jillian was at the first satellite and had successfully shut it down. As she was preparing to move onto the next one, a foreign ship appeared and began firing on her. As her ship rocked, Jillian turned off the auto pilot and veered out of the path of oncoming fire. Tapping the communication button, she hailed the foreign craft, “Unknown vessel, I mean you now harm. I’m on a time sensitive mission of the utmost importance, please cease your firing at once.” Sitting back, Jillian flew around the other ship, while punching in her new set of coordinates. Not waiting around for a response, Jillian turned back on the auto pilot and shot off to the second satellite.
Within a few short minutes Jillian’s craft began to slow down, as her next target came into view. A large ship, triple the size of the one that had been firing on her, lumbered into view, blocking her path to the satellite. The communication button flashed on her screen. Hitting the button, Jillian heard a voice say, “You have entered restricted airspace, be prepared to be destroyed.”
Jillian groaned, “I don’t have time for this.”
With a few taps, Jillian brought up the image of a large ugly rat wearing a crown. The rat leaned forward as if to get a better view. “Ah my dear Jillian,” he squeaked. “We meet at last.”
“Let me though,” Jillian hissed, “And I promise that you will not be destroyed.”
The Rat King laughed. “Oh, I’m afraid that I can’t do that. You see, I have you out gunned ten to one. But I’ll tell you what, if you turn around now, I promise that you’ll be destroyed last.”
“Interesting proposal,” Jillian meowed, stalling for time as her ship quietly scanned the rat’s ship for any weaknesses. “I do have to admit that I’m impressed on how well you planned out this attack. It’s not easy to pull one over me and my company. But you had us fooled from the very beginning…though I’m curious, why do want to turn everything into cheese.”
“I’d thought that that would’ve been obvious,” the Rat King replied. “Rats love cheese and hate all other things.”
“So you turn everything else into the one thing you love?” Jillian meowed as she heard the scanner alarm beep. “The problem is, what happens when the cheese begins to spoil? “
Jillian’s question was met with silence. “I’ll what will happen.” she continued. “There will be nothing left for your people to eat. You’ve condemned them to a slow death, all because of hate. But you can stop this madness. No one else needs to get hurt. I’ll make sure that you get a fair trial.”
The Rat King laughed. “There is no justice for my kind. Besides the countdown has already begun. In five minutes the world you’ve known will no longer exist.”
“I’m going to stop you,” Jillian hissed.
“I’d expect nothing less,” the Rat King replied, “But you’ll die trying.”