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Pride comes before a fall Part 5

An hour and a half later, Jillian woke to the ringing of the alarm. Smashing her paw down on the top of Mighty mouse, it exploded in numerous pieces and then began to reassemble itself. Yawning, she rolled out of bed and stumbled into the licking shower. Once she was fully refreshed, Jillian climbed into the experimental craft and quickly read the operations manual. Besides having the latest in laser and stealth technologies, the specs boasted a max speed of Mach 30. The outer interior of the craft was round and smooth, which allowed it move effectively at top speed. It was a one passenger craft, which was all that Jillian needed.

Tapping the hatch with her paw, Jillian watched as the clear tempered steel slid silently closed. A few minutes later, Jillian hit the red button and hissed with bewilderment as the floor dropped out from underneath the craft. Free falling for about five seconds, Jillian repeatedly hit the ignition button. A few seconds later the craft coughed to life, spitting black smoke from the exhaust port below. All of the lights flashed at once, setting of a variety of different alarms. “Experimental craft my paw,” Jillian grumbled, as she tapped a few keys to turn of the alarm. “This craft is nothing but a piece of junk, but it’s all I have, so I got to make the best of it.”

Typing in the coordinates to the nearest satellite, Jillian increased the speed of the shuttle to Mach 10. Sighing, Jillian settled back and allowed the auto pilot to do its job, after all there was a lot she needed to think about and little time to do so.

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