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Pride comes before a fall part 3

As the file appeared on screen, Jillian realized that this job was going to be harder than she initially thought. Whereas Meowolf did have an initial shutoff program for the lasers, each satellite ran on its own system. The only way to be sure that they were shutoff would be to get close enough to each of the satellites and trigger a manual shutdown. “The problem is,” Jillian meowed to herself, “There are no spaceships to get me to those satellites, unless…” Tapping a few keys, Jillian pulled up Spooky’s cellphone number and hit enter. A few seconds later, she heard his phone ringing through the Meowolf’s intercom. There was a click on the other end and Spooky’s deep sexy voice reached Jillian’s ears.

“Yes, can I help you? I’m kind of in the middle of things.”

“Hey beautiful it’s me,” Jillian meowed, “I have a question.”

There was silence, then Spooky meowed, “This is a secure line, how did you get this number?”

Jillian was dumbfound and a little hurt, then she realized that she had forgotten to turn on the mike on her end. Pushing the button marked Communicate, Jillian tried again, “Hello beautiful it’s me, how are things going down there?”

“Oh why hello love,” Spooky meowed. “We’re at the festival right now, my men have spotted the rats and are keeping taps close tabs on them. However, there have also been reports coming in of major rat spotting’s around the world. And of course you know of the attack on mission control.”

“Yes, I barely made it to the space station.” Jillian meowed. “Do you know what brought that attack on?”

“It is too soon to tell, though it is believed that that attack was meant to keep us occupied, while they enacted their evil plan.”

“Yes, that would make sense.” Jillian meowed. “It sounds like you are busy, the reason I called was to ask if you knew if we ever got around to attaching that experimental craft to Meowolf?”

“Ah, yeah I believe that it was attached last week.” Spooky meowed thoughtfully. “I believe that it was scheduled to have its final test run sometime next week. Why?”

“I found out that the lasers can’t be completely shut down from where I’m at. I need to go to each of the satellites and shut them down manually.”

“Wow really, that sucks.” Spooky meowed.

“Yeah I know,” Jillian hissed, “But what choice do I have.”

“None,” Spooky meowed in response, “Just promise that you don’t take any necessary risks and return to me as soon as possible. You never know, I might have a surprise for you.”

“Oh, I can’t wait,” Jillian purred. “Any chance that you’ll tell me what the surprise is?”

“Nope,” Spooky purred. “You’ll just have to wait and see. Anyway I need to get going. Take care of yourself. Promise that you will return to me.”

“I promise,” Jillian purred. “Good bye for now my love.”

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