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Jillian and Meowolf

Later that day, as Spooky was directing the operation at the festivals, Jillian was preparing to launch off into space. This would be the second time that she’d be going into space and if the need of urgency hadn’t been overwhelming, she might actually relax and enjoy the trip. But this wasn’t the case, Jillian knew that she needed to be strict and to the point, not letting anything distract her from her mission. And yet, as she strapped herself in, waiting for the space shuttle to launch, Jillian couldn’t help but feel a wave of excitement wash over her. Flipping the necessary switches, she jumped when a voice crackled through her helmet. “Once everything checks out, go ahead a push the ignition button and may the great Meower in the sky be with you.”

“Rodger,” Jillian meowed. “I’ll make contact again when I board Meowolf.” With that, Jillian pushed a red button labelled ignition. At first there was nothing, then a roar filled the cabin as shuttle began to shake and rattle. A sequence of numbers flashed up on the rockets monitor and Jillian watched in anticipation as they began to count down. Within mere moments, the space shuttle took off, throwing Jillian back against her seat. Settling in for a more or less bumpy ride, she was taken by surprise when a sudden jolt threw the shuttle sideways. Grabbing hold of the controls, Jillian fought with them to get the craft back on course. After doing so, she thumped the side of her helmet with her paw, “Mission Control, what is going on, I believe that I was struck by something.”

At first only static reached Jillian’s ears, then a voice crackled, “This is Mission Control. We are aware of your situation, however it appears that we’ll be unable to help you at the moment. We’ve been attacked. A missile, I believe.”

“Is everyone alright?” Jillian meowed anxiously.

“Yes, it appears the anti-missile program you installed last year has done its job,” the voice replied. “Though I’m afraid that we did suffer some equipment damage, so once you breach the atmosphere, you’ll be on your own. Also it appears that you have a fuel leak and a possible hull breach. May I suggest moving up into the cone of the ship and enacting protocol 77.”

“Rodger,” Jillian meowed, as she quickly un-bulked herself from the seat. With as much grace as she muster, Jillian quickly made her way to the nose of the ship, pulled opened the hatch to the nose and climbed inside. Flipping down the tiny seat that was screwed to the wall, Jillian bulked herself in and touched miniature screen that popped on upon contact. Tapping the screen, Jillian pulled up protocol 77 and hit the green activate button.“Well here goes nothing,” she meowed to herself as she felt the nose disengage from the rest of shuttle.

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