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Love will find us in the End Part 9

As they held each other tight, the door to the room opened and Cuddles stuck her furry head in, “We have interrogated Nurse Jazzy and she’s revealed everything she knows. We’re waiting to brief you guys down the hall in Room B.

Taking Jillian’s paw, Spooky led her out of the room and together they walked down to Room B. As they were making their way down, Jillian meowed, “So you said you had some urgent information to tell me.”

“Yes,” Spooky replied, opening the door for Jillian. “In the brief time I was imprisoned by the Rat King, I overheard that there was a traitor in your organization, though I never imagined that it was Nurse Jazzy. She actually seemed pretty decent, for a dog.”

“I know what you mean,” Jillian meowed as she walked into the room and took a seat near the front. “Dogs simply can’t be trusted.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way,” Max growled. “If it makes you feel any better dogs feel the same way about cats and yet we must find a way to coexist. Now if you don’t mind, can we please get down to business?”

“Yes, please do.” Jillian meowed glad to put this topic behind her.

“We have learned from Nurse Jazzy that the Rats plan on conquering the world by turning everyone to cheese.” Cuddles began.

“What? Jillian meowed. “You can’t be serious…”

“Oh I’m deadly serious,” Cuddles growled. “These rats under the leadership of the Rat King, have scored the globe searching for the technology needed to achieve their master plan. It seems that you had gotten their attention when your business boomed. They knew that you had gotten a hold of rare Pule cheese dollars, which was the last ingredient they needed. However they didn’t expect you to retaliate as you did. This took them by surprise, forcing them to take drastic measures. “Okay,” Jillian meowed. “That explains the whole kidnapping thing and the Kamikaze Rats, but why did they attempt to sabotage the space station.”

“It appears that they were after some sensitive information and when they found they couldn’t get it, they decided to destroy it so that nobody else would have accesses to it.” We were all just collateral damage.”

“Oh, Okay.” Jillian meowed. “Now, provided that all of this is true, do we know how the Rat King is planning to turn everyone to cheese?”

“Apparently a Hydrogen Cheese Bomb,” Cuddles replied scratching her head. “Several of them in fact, stationed all around the world. We don’t know all of the locations, but with our combined efforts we should have no trouble finding out where.”

“You can count on our support,” Jillian meowed, pulling out her cellphone. “Spooky get a hold of our main office and put them on alert.”

“Right away,” Spooky meowed taking Jillian’s phone’

“I just have one more question,” Jillian meowed as they got up to leave.

“Yes, what is that?” Cuddles asked.

“How did you get Nurse Jazzy to talk?”

“We threatened to take away her stock pile of bones and squeaky toys.” Max replied, flipping a switch near a darkened window. A light flickered on in the next room and Jillian could see Nurse Jazzy sleeping peacefully on a large pile of half chewed bones and toys. “Don’t worry she’ll never see the light of day- except on her bathroom breaks.”

“Good,” Jillian meowed. “She is getting better treatment than she deserves.”

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