Love will find us in the end Part 5

As the ocean came in view, Jitters voice blasted through her helmet. “I want you to rip the sides of your jacket and keep hour paws out to your side.”
Not knowing why she was doing this, Jillian followed his instructions and found the sides of her jacket ripping easily to form a type of sail. “You should see the freighter up a head,” Jitters voice continued, “I want you to aim for the center of the helipad.”
Nodding her head in response, though she knew he couldn’t see it. Jillian looked for the ship and found it slightly to her right. Aiming her body towards the freighter, Jillian circled it, each time getting lower and lower. Within a few moments, Jillian’s cold wet paws came to a rest on its surface. She was greeted there by two nurses, who insisted that she lay down on the stretcher that was beside them. Too tired to argue, Jillian laid down on the stretcher and watched with half opened eyelids, as she was wheeled away. Voices from far away, spoke near her, “She needs to rest, Nurse Jazzy give her a sedative. I want her asleep for at least eight hours, and you Spooky, I don’t care who you are to her, you can’t see her till she has some proper rest.
Jillian felt something sharp prick her paw, then darkness overtook her... a voice that sounded oddly familiar and yet, she couldn’t place it spoke into the darkness, “Jillian, my old friend, your nine lives are nearly up, your end is quickly approaching. I will see you fall, then take your place, becoming greater then you ever were. Till then pleasant dreams”
“Who are you,” Jillian meowed in response.
“I’m the Narrator.”