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Love will find us in the End Part 4

Within four miles of her destination, Jillian saw a green dot appear on her visor and a voice crackled through her helmet, “I heard you might be in need of assistance.”

“Yes, that would be much appreciated,” Jillian meowed in response. “Right now, I feel like a cat popsicle.”

“Understood, we’ll see you shortly with dry clothes and a bowl of warm milk,” the voice meowed. “Till then, keep on your course and follow my directions when prompted.”

“Rodger,” Jillian meowed in response, as the thought of dry clothes and a warm bowl of milk made her throat tingle in anticipation.

“Nope, my name is Jitters,” the voice replied. “We’ll see you soon.”

As the voice dropped away, Jillian realized the stiffness of her limbs for the first time, how the cold bit at them before and now it didn’t bother them at all. ‘Hang in there girl,’ Jillian meowed to herself, as a wave of exhaustion seemed to take hold. ‘You just need to hold out a little longer.’

Within twenty minutes, the low light fuel flashed on her visor and the automated voice crackled, “Warning, Low fuel, Warning.”

“How many more minutes of fuel do I have?” Jillian meowed through chattering teeth.

“Less than five,” the voice replied.

“Okay,” Jillian meowed with a yawn. “Try to preserve the fuel as long as possible and please turn off that alarm.”

As the alarm cut off, the voice replied, “Good luck Ma’am.”

Within three minutes, the first boot failed, seconds later the second one went. Keeping her body as straight as an arrow Jillian free-fell through the earth atmosphere, praying that Jitters would contact her before she smashed into the Atlantic Ocean below

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