Love will find us in the End Part 3

Entering the cargo hold, Jillian ran over to a box tucked deep in the corner and yanked the lid off. With a sigh of relief she saw that the contents were mostly intact. Pulling the silver titanium boots out with matching helmet, Jillian ran to the hatch, slipped on the boots and hit the emergency release for the door. With a hiss the door popped out and fell away to the ocean far below. Putting the helmet on her head, Jillian adjusted the strap under her chin and clicked it into place. Bending down, Jillian pushed the red circular button on each of the boots. With a whoosh, orange flame shot out from the heel of both boots, launching Jillian into the air, clear of the planes metal frame.
Touching the right side of her helmet, Jillian activated the reddish brown visor, wincing in unfamiliarity as it slid into place. Red dots with lines appeared on the inside of the visor as an automated voice said, “What is your destination?”
“25 N -71 E,” Jillian meowed. “My company, PPJ (Pretty Princess Jillian) should have a temporary base of operations around that area.”
“Hmm, yes I see that located here on the map,” the voice replied. “It is seven miles from your current location and you have enough fuel to go five…if you are conservative. Should I activate your emergency beacon?”
“Yes, please do.” Jillian meowed, as she settled her body straight and shot of in the direction located on the map. “The sooner they get to me the sooner I can start to get warm again.”
“I understand ma’am,” the emotionless voice replied. “Stay calm, I’m activating the emergency beacon, I’m sure someone will come to your aid shortly.”
“Thank you,” Jillian meowed softly as she heard the voice slick off and a red dot began to blink in a three set pattern on the map in front of her. “Soon Spooky my love, we’ll be reunited – never to be parted again.”