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Prophecy of the Promised Cat Part 2

Later, after Jillian’s passing[RP1] , I searched through her papers for clues to this so called prophecy. But there were none. Becoming frustrated in my search, I was about to give up, when on the fifth day a brown parcel with a cat’s paw print arrived for me in the mail.

Picking the package up in my hands, I turned it over several times, looking for some clue as to the sender, or what was in the box. There was none. Removing the brown paper wrapping, I noticed that old leather was sewn completely around the box. Strange symbols were etched into it. There was no apparent opening.

Placing the cube on the table, I went back the packaging to see if there was any instructions on how to open it. Rummaging my hands through the packing, I caught a glimpse of ink strokes on the other side. Flipping it over, I smoothed the paper out with my hands and read what was written,

Prophecy by Max Grey Beard concerning the coming of the Promised Cat:

There will come one who is grey

Her influence will reach the heavens and the weight of her importance will shake the earth.

From Mother’s Children, she will learn the way of the Basset Warrior

She will surpass them and take here rightful place by the opening of the fifth eye.

There she’ll gain direct access to Mother who will give divine knowledge of things to come

The grey princess, with the aid of loyal followers will overthrow the growing shadow of the Rat King.

Thus saving all of animal kind and reinstating the cat’s natural place as ruler of all.

With all destroyed, the Rat King will make one last stab at seizing power and will fall from the sky, never to rise again.

The Grey princess though successful, goes down in a fiery flame having been like Icca-cat, letting pride grow in her heart – she flies to close to the burning sun.

These are the words of Max Grey Beard concerning the coming of the Promised Cat and her rise and fall. Now back to my nap and cube filled with catnip.

As I read the last of these words, I put the paper aside, folded my hands on my lap and pondered the meaning of these wise words.

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