Prophecy of the Chosen Cat. Part 1

Rat King….a hideous creature no doubt. But was he evil…and what of the promised cat…these thoughts haunted Jillian’s dreams and yet she refused to tell me of them. Instead she would wander the rooms of the new apartment meowing softly under her breath, what little I did catch brought nightmares of my own and yet I wouldn’t give up on her just yet. It was around this time, that Jillian decided to take a chance and reveal her secret life to me.
Up to this point, Jillian had spent her time and effort putting together a secret organization made up of cats, dogs and one irresistible rubber ducky. Their mission was to balance the scales of justice and ensure that the epidemic of empty food and water bowls would get the attention it deserved. But on that stormy night, Jillian revealed to me that they had a hidden agenda and that was to build and army to in preparation of the eventual confrontation with the mysterious Rat King.
Already Jillian had ordered raids on a traitorous cat, named Max, whom she suspected was in league with the enemy. When I asked her how she knew that this was the correct path, she sealed her lips and would say no more, except that it was all according to the prophecy of the Promised Cat. And though I pressed her to reveal if she was the so called promised cat, she refused to answer, except to meow. “Does it really matter, I’m here now- I can do something about this threat.”