Jillian and the Bastet Clan Part 4

My child,” Mother began. “You have succeeded where many have failed, but let not pride disrupt your thoughts. For to achieve true enlightenment one must let go of themselves and become one with all that surrounds them. Do this and the questions you seek will be revealed to you.”
With these words, Mother faded from sight and yet the light from Jillian’s pads still shone forth. As she mulled over Mother’s words of wisdom, the day turned into night and Jillian saw a younger version of herself awakening to a white illuminated butterfly dancing in front of her head. With a playful jump, she attempted to catch it, but it fluttered out of reach. Once again Jillian leaped at it, but met with the same results. No matter how she tried, the butterfly was always out of reach.
The night slipped into day and exhausted from play Jillian, settled down to sleep on a worn leather love seat that her human had purchased with her permission. Hours and days flashed by and still Jillian slept. The butterfly grew old and crumbled into dust.
As dusk began to set in over the African plain, the image of Jillian’s former self faded from sight. Breathing a contended sigh, Jillian focused her mind and watched as the butterfly that had fluttered around her head return, only to be snatched up by a swooping sparrow. This did not faze her in the least, for such was the order of life and yet, there was truth here. As the light faded from her pads, Jillian awoke and knew that her answer had been provided. Now all that she had to do was determine which course of action was the right one for her to pursue