Jillian and the Bastet Clan Part 3

Jillian reflected on Master Plushy Paws wise counsel as she crisscrossed her bottom paws under her like a pretzel and curled her front paws in the all familiar Cactus Pose. The sounds of the African plane soothed her ears and Jillian let her mind flow in the rhythm of her own ancestral homeland. As the grey cloud cleared from the inside of her mind, Jillian stood and walked among the tall greenish brown grass. Reaching the outcrop that overlooked the lush valley below, she assumed her usual position, taking in the view with no particular section in mind, but instead connecting, experiencing all of it in one fluid movement. A butterfly fluttered passed her nose and buzzed in her ear, Jillian paid it no heed, she was waiting for something more important.
Wispy clouds floated lazily in the noon day sky, approaching Jillian’s position. As they crossed her path, the strands of white twirled tight together and rolled, taking on the shape of a large white ball of yarn. Jillian recognized this instantly, it was the mystical ball of yarn that had provided her with hours of enjoyment while showing and teaching her the mysteries that evaded the unfocused mind. It reached out at thin string, inviting her to take hold. Jillian ignored it, for there was something more important that she was waiting for.
After a time, Jillian felt a light buzz creep over her body. Slowly her paws lifted themselves up, so that her pads were facing outward. There was a flickering and then two beams of round white light emanated from the thick large pad of each paw. At the same time, Jillian’s third eye shone from the middle of her forehead, joining the other two beams as they shot out over the valley. The sky parted and the image of Mother shined down upon Jillian. ‘This,’ Jillian purred softly to herself, ‘Is what I’ve been waiting for.’