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Jillian and the Bastet Clan Part 2

Falling into sync with the others, Jillian let her mind flow in the rhythm of the movements. In the first few weeks of her training, she had found it difficult to release her mind, without having it fly to some random bit of information. But as her training progressed, Jillian learned to focus her thoughts in a way that allowed them to roam free along the same path of her fellow students and instructor.

Jillian was a natural, so much in fact that the others wondered if she could be the fabled Promise Cat. To this, Jillian paid no heed. For to thinks of such things, would go against everything her instructor had grilled into her from the beginning, to be humble is to be great. To be proud and arrogant, is to be low and unworthy of the gifts Lady Mother had graciously bestowed on her faithful children.

As the morning instructor switched into the next sequence of exercises, Jillian felt a gentle, but strong paw rest briefly on her shoulder, and the voice of Master Plushy Paws whispered in her ear, “Come child, it is time for you to prepare yourself for your final test. Follow me.”

With her head bowed in reverence, Jillian quietly fell into step behind the master; ignoring the curious glance of the others. As they silently exited the room, Jillian felt the weight of the challenge that she was to face come crashing down upon her tiger grey shoulders. Sensing her uneasiness, Master Plushy Paws meowed, “What is troubling you child, speak and ease your troubled mind.”

“Master, I know that I shouldn’t be worried about the final test tomorrow and yet I can’t help but wonder ….how many others have passed this test, what methods did they use?”

Smiling kindly, Master Plushy Paws replied, “You know the ways of others is not discussed here. It is up to you to find your own way to defeat the red dot, though I can tell you this, pay attention in your final mediation today. There may be things revealed, that have previously been hidden from you.”

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