Jillian and the Bastet Clan

Jillian revealed little to me of her training with the Bastet Clan on the grounds that it was a secretive group that swore its members to silence, those who failed in holding their tongue had a tendency to lose it; thus was the way of the Bastet Warrior. She did however reveal this one particular story to me that provided insight into her rigorous training. It involved the ever allusive red dot and how on the day it is captured – a Bastet Warriors training is complete. But to tell this story, I must however start at the beginning of the final day of Jillian’s training, the day before she was to undergo the final test. It began as it always did with the reciting of the Bastet Warrior Way, which led into the morning exercises. Below is a rough translation that Jillian had passed onto me,
Meow, Meow, Purr, Purr, Hiss, Meow, Purr,
My children, my fellow Bastet soldiers, here we stand, paw in paw, before our beautiful lady,
Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow (each meow gets higher as the words are recited)
Lift your voices high my children, raise your voices in praise, let them echo off of the sacred chamber walls and vibrate in the ears of our beautiful mother, so she may hear our thanks, our love, our dedication.
Meow, Meow, Hiss, Meow… (When the chorus of voices shake the earth beneath their feet, the instructor of the group assumes a defensive stance and the rest of the students follow. The morning exercises have begun)