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Jillian in Space Part 13

Max watched with anxiety as Jillian thrashed back and forth in the de-pressuring chamber- not that she could move very much, due to the restraints that held her in place. He only hoped that he had gotten to her in time. The protocols they had in place, allowed for such an emergency, though the technology was still in its infancy and largely untested. The next few hours will be touch and go.

If everything went the way Max hoped, than the working relationship between the two races would improve, if it didn’t, then this was years of work down the drinking toilet…if he was lucky. If he wasn’t, then it might mean war between the two races. Something that Max didn’t want on his conscience.

Days passed with little change and then two weeks later, Jillian began to stir. Shortly afterwards, she was rushed to intensive care, where she was monitored day and night for the next two months. Having been assured that she’d survive, Max left Jillian in the capable paws of Spooky and returned to his work on Meowolf. Determined to see its completion so that peace and relations would continue to grow between the two races. Afterall this is why Jillian and he had agreed to work together on this project in the first place.

Three months later, on a sunny Saturday afternoon, Jillian was wheeled out of the Bowwow hospital by Nurse Jazzy. Spooky walked calmly beside them. Lifting her paw, she placed it in his. Smiling she meowed, “I’ll tell you one thing sweetheart, one trip in space is enough for me.”

“Quite right,” Nurse Jazzy barked. “I recommend you take up house knitting and mouse taming.”

“What?” Jillian meowed in surprise. “When has anyone ever knitted a house and tamed a mouse?”

“My aunt Bethany is quite fond of it actually,” Nurse Jazzy replied with a huff. “But I supposed a wild cat like you needs a bit more action in your life.”

“No she doesn’t,” Spooky snapped. “Don’t encourage her.”

“Well then, I guess you wouldn’t be interested in this invitation to join the Bastet Clan.” Nurse Jazzy yipped as she held a sealed envelope out for Jillian to take.

Snatching it out of her paws, Jillian noticed the broken wax seal and frowned. “I supposed this is how you know about this invitation?”

“Yes,” Nurse Jazzy growled. “Our security, scans all incoming packages and letters. They found my acceptance letter for cutest taco dog of the year, and now they won’t let me forget about it.”

Jillian laughed.

“Okay, we need to get going,” Spooky meowed. “I have a surprise waiting for you at home….”

“Ooh, I can’t wait,” Jillian purred seductively….

Arriving at the jet, Spooky took Jillian’s paw and carefully pulled her to her feet. As she leaned into him, Jillian caught his scent and sighed like a school kitten. Nuzzling his neck, she walked up the steps of the jet with him. When they were halfway up, Nurse Jazzy called out to them from the ground. “Don’t forget about the invitation to join the Bastet Clan. They need to know your decision shortly.”

“We’ll see,” Spooky replied his eyes darkening at the thought. “Thank you for all you’ve done Nurse Jazzy.”

“Yes, we’ll see,” Jillian agreed, her eyes sparkling at the thought of a new adventure. “Thank you for all you’ve done. Sorry I called you a squeak toy.”

“No problem,” Nurse Jazzy yipped in reply. “I’m use to insults about my size. Now take it easy and the best of luck.”

“Thank you,” Jillian meowed. “I have a feeling that I’m going to need it.”

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