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Jillian in Space Part 10

The next morning, Jillian received the news that the launch was to be delayed for two days. True to her word, she took the time to rest and even allowed Nurse Jazzy to check up on her from time to time. The days went by fast and soon Jillian found herself stepping into her white space suit, and lugging her way up the steps of the space shuttle and into the cockpit, where Max was already waiting for her.

“Are you ready,” he barked, as he began pushing the prelaunch sequences.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Jillian replied, strapping herself in and flipping down her visor.

“Thirty-one seconds till launch,” a voice echoed into her headset. “This mission is a go”

“I’m a business woman, not an astronaut,” Jillian suddenly thought to herself, as she twisted back and forth, in an attempt to make herself more comfortable. “What am I doing, going into space, though, I suppose that it’s too late to get out of this now.”

“Sixteen seconds till launch,” the voice droned on, as if confirming Jillian’s thought.

‘Calm down,’ Jillian thought to herself. ‘You are after all a big strong feline capable of handling yourself. This is just another walk in the park.’

“Six seconds till launch,” the voice squawked in her ear.

“Well here goes nothing,” Jillian thought, as she heard the engines roar to life.

“Liftoff,” the voice echoed, as Jillian felt herself thrown back against the chair, as the roar of the engines lifted them off the ground and into the midday sky.

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