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Jillian in Space Part 8

Jillian waited for what seemed like hours for the little dog to return, but it didn’t. And in fact she found herself all alone…well if you didn’t count the twenty- odd patients who were suspiciously quiet. “Hey is there anyone to let me out of here,” Jillian meowed loudly, straining against the restraints that held her tightly to the bed. A buzzing seemed to kick up out of nowhere and Jillian looked around for her phone. She found it on the right side of her bed, but strangely enough, it wasn’t vibrating. Instead the air around her began to vibrate, then spin and fall apart.

Groaning, Jillian held her aching head and looked around her, several faces were staring down at her, one of them being Nurse Jazzy. “You took a nasty spill back there,” she barked, as the hall seemed to be flashing by.

“What, what’s going on,” Jillian meowed softly. “Why is the hall zooming by so fast, why can’t I sit up?”

“After Spooky expressed his concern,” Max replied, with the patience of one explaining the obvious to a child, “We sent out security to see if you were okay. Nurse Jazzy tagged along in case she was needed. As for why you can’t sit-up, we had to secure to the bed…apparently you are very active when you sleep.”

“Yep,” Nurse Jazzy yipped, bouncing up and down the bed. “Now you are too get plenty of rest, I recommend at least a week of straight bed rest and two weeks of no strenuous activity.”

“I’m launching into space tomorrow,” Jillian murmured. “And I am going.”

“No you are not,” Nurse Jazzy yipped back. “As your nurse, I strictly forbid it.”

“You are not my nurse,” Jillian hissed.

“Well excuse me,” Nurse Jazzy, yipped with a growl in voice. “But I don’t see any other nurse around here, besides I don’t remember asking your….yippp!

Jillian lashed out with her claws, knocking Nurse Jazzy off of the bed, before she could finish her sentence. “Damn squeak toy,” Jillian hissed.

“That really wasn’t necessary,” Max replied with a frown. “She was only her job.”

“Please take me too my room,” Jillian meowed softly. “I just need some rest before the launch tomorrow.”

“I don’t think that that is a good idea,” Max remarked gravely, “However, you’re a grown female who obviously know her own mind…” Max added sucking his stomach in to avoid a swipe from Jillian’s claws. A vibration filled the collar around his neck and Max touched, “Yes what is the problem,” he barked. Listening to the yipping on the other end, he replied, “Okay, Okay, I’ll check it out.”

Turning to the security guards he barked, “Take her to her room and then get a hold of Spooky. Let him know that we found her and she’s safely in her room. I have to go engineering, something has come up.” Turning to Jillian, he added, “We may not be able to launch tomorrow after all, but I assure you that if it doesn’t happen, that it will definitely happen later on in the week.”

Jillian watched him go and laid her spinning head back down on the bed. Every once in a while, she took a swipe at one of the security guards. After all what was the point of having a spinning head, if you couldn’t have a little fun with it.

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