Jillian in Space Part 7

A few hours later, Jillian awoke with a start. She had been having a horrible dream. A hideous oversized rat has been leering at her with its jagged misformed teeth and as it moved closer, Jillian swore it was going to bite down on her neck. Instead, it bent down, picked up her cellphone and fiddled with it. Then with an almost gentle grace, it laid the pink phone down on the ground and wobbled off into the darkness, grunting as it went. Looking at her phone, now dripping from the slime of that hideous monster, Jillian grimaced as she bent down and gingerly picked it up. Flipping it over carefully in an effort to avoid getting the gunk all over her paws, she looked at the screen and saw worms inching across the screen. Dropping the phone with a shriek, Jillian backed up against the wall and watched in horror as the worms crawled out of the phone towards her. As they crept up on her paws, Jillian tried to throw them off, but they resisted, climbing ever higher. Reaching her neck, they wrapped themselves around her throat chocking off her air supply. Blackness clouded her mind and then light loomed in her eyes.
Blinking her eyes several times in an effort to get use to the brightness, Jillian saw that she was lying in a white bed, with a white cotton blanket tucked up to her chin. Attempting to sit up, she found that she had been firmly secured to the bed. A short Pomerania- Chihuahua mix was hopping from bed to bed, yipping at the patients encouragingly. Spotting Jillian trying to sit up, the dog quickly hopped over and gently pushed her back down. Not sure what to think, Jillian read the name tag pinned on the white and red nurse cap, “Nurse Jazzy.” Opening her mouth to protest, Jillian gagged as thermometer was shoved into her mouth. Groaning in frustration, Jillian rolled her eyes towards the ceiling as Nurse Jazzy waited for the required amount of time before removing the thermometer. Checking it. She shook her head sadly and then jumped off of Jillian’s bed. Watching her go, Jillian thought to herself, ‘Could this day get any worse?’